SJCCA PROGRAMS OF CHOICE- Click each program to learn more!

Click to email Teacher:
- Band – Christina Kromhout
- Chorus – Christina Shore
- Dance – Catie Beam
- Theatre – Kelly Brown
- Graphic Design – Chris Paone
- Visual Art – Amy Banton
SJCCA Performance Calendar:2024-2025 SJCCA Calendar_

The St. Johns County Center for the Arts provides artistically gifted students with a pre-professional program of choice designed to develop their unique talents in the performing and visual arts. In an environment that is both supportive and intellectually challenging, SJCCA prepares students to be members of an artistic society. Commitment and self-discipline are necessary in order to advance through the school’s academic and artistic studies. SJCCA students are provided with several performance opportunities, unique field studies and experiences, professional guest instructor workshops, and many opportunities to foster their passions and grow into lifelong artists. The SJCCA programs at RJ Murray Middle School include Band, Chorus, Dance, Graphic Design, Theatre, and Visual Art.
SJCCA is a Program of Choice available to any student currently enrolled in the St. Johns County School District. For the 2024-2025 school year, interested students can apply through their Home Access Center (HAC) accounts beginning in January 2024. You can click on each arts area in the menu to learn more about our exceptional programs!