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Proctor Information

Proctoring an exam is easy, and it is a huge help to our staff!  You would be helping our teachers oversee students as they test. Since family members are not allowed in the same room as their child who is testing, you will not proctor in your child’s room.  Follow the steps below to help us with proctoring:

  1. Be sure you are an approved volunteer with St. Johns County. If you are not, please visit
  2. Click here to sign up. (Will be posted in April)
  3. View the training presentation here.
  4. We will contact you before the test to verify your placement.
  5. Sign the required form as shown in the training presentation.  You can download a copy here or sign it when you arrive for proctoring.

Proctors are needed to help testing run smoothly and we are so thankful for your help!

If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Brailsford at [email protected]