Bulldog B.Y.T.E

BULLDOG B.Y.T.E. is currently on hold for 2022 while Ms. Patronska covers a science vacancy. Stay tuned for updates…
R.J. Murray Middle School is committed to providing a top STEM education to all of our students. “Bulldog B.Y.T.E.”, a free after-school program provides students with high quality instruction in STEM related fields.
Students in the program earn valuable CAPE Digital Tools Certifications. Students also experience hands-on STEM education, attend off-campus field studies, and have the opportunity to hear lessons from industry experts. Our goal is to not only provide support to students in their core academic courses, but also teach the technology skills that businesses and industry partners are looking for in their future employees.

Contact Inez Patronska for questions or more information:
[email protected]
904-547-8175 ext. 1817
An informational session was held on June 8th. Please view the recorded video for more information.