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Gradventure 2025


When? Friday, May 16, 2025; 1:00 pm to 2:30 am (times are approximate)

Who can attend? Any MMS 8th grader who has not received OSS or more than 2 days ISS starting October 3, 2023. Students must have regular attendance, be passing all subject areas at 3rd quarter report card, and be on track to pass for the year.

What is included? Transportation, t-shirt, admission to both parks, and a meal! 

How much does it cost? $230

When is the money due? The final payment will be due February 13, 2025. Cash or check made to RJ Murray Middle School

FORMS:           Download the packet and forms here

Trip Guidelines

• Students must remain with their partner at all times while in the park.
• Students are required to check in with teachers at 8:00 PM. We will be departing the park at 12 AM.
• As part of Universal’s dress code requirements, all students attending the trip must wear the same t-shirt. • Students are responsible for all items brought on the bus (electronics, money, etc). Be aware that no phones are allowed on the roller coasters, but lockers are available.

Any questions? Contact Ms. Brailsford at [email protected] We are looking forward to a great trip!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do I have to pay the full amount now? Or can I pay a little at a time?    Yes, you can break the payments into smaller amounts, just make sure that you pay the full amount by the deadline.
  • Can I pay by credit card?     No, this option is not available.
  • Can I pay with a money order? Yes, payable to Murray Middle School.
  • Will I get a receipt?     If you pay with cash, you will get a receipt.
  • Can I use my season pass?   No passes are accepted for this event, sorry
  • How many students per group?     2 or 3